Houseful: stand-up innovation*


How will we live tomorrow?


16.09.2020 | 17:30 - 20:30
WEST (ehem. Sophienspital), Stollgasse 17/ Ecke Neubaugürtel, 1070 Wien

Yes, we all can feel it, summers in cities, like Vienna get sometimes unbearably hot. But let's not complain like typical Viennese. Let's focus on the solutions. What solutions are out there to counter "urban heat islands"? What strategies are in place? How can we bring nature back into cities with many benefits to enjoy the #hotsummerinthecity!


  • Jürgen Preiss is officer in charge of the section Spatial Development at the City of Vienna Environmental Protection Department (MA 22) since 2007. His main expertises are the Urban Heat Islands (UHI)- Strategy in Vienna and the Vienna greening building program (façade-/roof-greening).
  • Theresa Heitzlhofer – alchemia-nova
  • Susanne Formanek – Grünstattgrau
  • more will be announced



+16:30-17:30 free guided IBA-Exhibition tour to see innovative ideas for urban greening, grey-water-treatment, and other innovative ideas for social housing in Vienna
+17:30-18:00: Green Welcome Cocktail
+stand up and speak! 2-minute impulse talk from audience on the topic #hotsummerinthecity


stand-up innovation event #5 "Tomorrow Living"

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The project deals with the topic of circular economy in the housing sector.