Vienna gets older and younger the same time! While the share of elderly people and people of a very high age in the population of Vienna will increase on one hand drastically, the share of kids and teenagers will grow too in specific districts. Especially the share of kids between 16 and 18 years (+12.000), but also the share of kids in an obligatory schooling age between 7 and 15 (+6.000) will increase in the next four years in a range of about 6.000. Both groups will increase until 2035 for about 45.000 people, and 14.000 of these will be from 16 to 18 years old. This development concerns not only the suburban development areas but also the so called inner districts.
Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, the 15th district of Vienna, is the smallest district beyond the so called Gürtel, a second high ranking ring road from the 19 century. With its average age is 38,6 years, it is also the youngest district of Vienna. According to the demographic prognosis of the municipal department MA 23, this district will become even younger in average.
The development of both demographic poles with its specific challenges for planning, shaping and organization of housing and housing needs will be tackled in an exemplary way in the IBA block refurbishment area of Rustendorf and Reindorf in the 15th district.
Both running block refurbishment areas Rustendorf and Reindorf are already IBA areas. On the example of both areas, IBA_Vienna wants to present, discuss and further develop future oriented themes of the inner city urban renewal.
This circumstance gives the opportunity to have a closer look on the opportunities given by the block renewal focusing on the needs of kids and teenagers in regards to housing and housing environment. Therefore, concepts, implementation projects and procedures will be developed jointly by the District, the Urban Renewal Office, the responsible officer for the block refurbishment and local actors which will point out measures on the level of the neighbourhood for kids and youngsters.