Photo Galleries 2018

Opening of the exhibition "The Vienna Model" - (Wiener Planungswerkstatt, 03/12/2018)

IBA-Focus "Urban Mix" (Wohnprojekt Wien, 22/11/2018)

Exhibition neighborhood "Am Seebogen" (Seestadt Aspern, 21/10/2018)

IBA_Vienna meets Architects 05 with Kamiel Klaasse (AzW, 15/10/2018)

IBA-Focus "The city in climate change" (Wohnprojekt Wien, 06/09/2018)

Workshop discussion Project "Lebensräume" (3) The neighbourhood as a space of possibility (online, 24-31/5/2018)

Workshop discussion Project "Lebensräume" (2) What will we live on? (online, 24/4 - 2/5/2018)

Workshop discussion Project "Lebensräume" (1) How will we live? (online, 5/4 - 12/4/2018)

UNECE Conference: Evening reception (Project "Interethnic Housing" in Liesing, 12/04/2018)

IBA meets Architects 04 with Philippe Gazeau (Architekturzentrum Wien, 14/03/2018)

IBA meets Architects 03 with Kazuyo Sejima (Architekturzentrum Wien, 24/01/2018)