Climate change - Social?




21.10.2022 | 18:30 - 21:00
IBA-Zentrum, Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1200 Wien


To meet the challenges of climate change together, we need spaces of sharing, in the houses themselves and between them. What can we learn from collaborative housing models that result in other spatial programs where sharing and participation find a place? But public space must also make an effort to continue inviting people to stay and to appropriate. It must counter urban heat islands by experimenting with new mixes of city and nature. Examples from Barcelona show how new spaces for encounter are emerging both indoors and in the city, which in many ways can make our society more resilient to crises.

Lacol arquitectura cooperativa, Barcelona
Miriam García García / LAND LAB, Barcelona

Michael Obrist, Vienna

in English language

A cooperation of the Zentralvereinigung der Architekt*innen Österreichs (Central Association of Austrian Architects) with IBA_Vienna.

Climate change - Environmental?

2022 Vortrag Diskussion 07.10.2022 | 18:30 - 21:00 IBA-Zentrum | Nordwestbahnstraße 16

e.g. Basel: Lecture and discussion as part of the lecture series of the Central Association of Austrian Architects: Can we rethink architecture by going back to the well-tried and simple?

Climate change - Governance?

2022 Vortrag Diskussion 11.11.2022 | 18:30 - 21:00 IBA-Zentrum | Nordwestbahnstraße 16

e.g. Brussels: Lecture and discussion as part of the lecture series of the Central Association of Austrian Architects: What processes are needed to get the transformation of building on track?