"Embedded Exception“ acts as part of a socio-political reality. Art serves as a producing critical reflection that creates together with its research area new knowledge which serves all citizens. Embedded Exception is an artistic research project on in/formal knowledge production in the urban space and considers itself as socio-political and innovative instrument for action in order to generate an expanded understanding of “urban governance”. Within the Project different formats have been developed which can generate new potentials and dynamics for living together in the city.
The artistic approach serves to identify interfaces, areas of flexibility and potentials with the goal to generate most different models for valuing in encouraging each other.
The key question hereby is: How can art that generates knowledge contribute to produce urban space?
Upon the end of the first phase of research, a performative art parkour offered the opportunity to participate in the generation of (mental) space and to exchange on individual and urban transformation processes with the goal to experience most different models of valuing and encouraging each other.
"Embedded Exception":
by and with Gerald Straub, Mario Höber, Barbara Hölbling, Daniel Aschwanden, Aldo Giannotti, Matthias Meinharter
„Embedded Exception“ ist ein künstlerisches Forschungsprojekt über in/formelle Wissensproduktion im Stadtraum.