Where the Cologne district of Buchforst is located today, there used to be flat land, the so-called "Kalker Feld". GAG acquired an area of over 180,000 m2 there in 1926.
The project offers innovative housing types as vertically structured house clusters. On the ground floor there are communal rooms which, together with the listed transformer building, form the neighborhood centre.
Within the framework of "50 Green Houses", an integrated combination solution for roadside retrofitting of existing buildings with greenery is being developed for the first time.
AALbin "Active in old age with digitalisation" is intended to whet senior citizens' appetite for digitalisation. As part of the project, a total of 30 senior citizens will be equipped with a tablet and a smart watch including a mobile emergency call.
AMELIE is an ideal project for families and nature lovers. There are shading elements for the hot summer months. Planters on the balconies and partially greened facades support the green space concept.
The Atelierhaus dissolves the usual spatial boundaries between working and living and offers space as a neutral framework, open for different living structures and uses that the users can design and determine themselves.
To tackle the issue of affordable housing, the City of Barcelona bundles multiple policy approaches and instruments within the housing plan “The Barcelona Housing System: a mission-oriented economy (2016 – 2025).”
NeuLeo Together in a small town - this is the motto of NeuLeo, the new center of the Neu Leopoldau urban development area. NeuLeo will create an urban space with a lively mix of living, working and leisure activities.