IBA meets Architects 13


IBA meets Architects

18.05.2022 | 19:00 - 21:00
Architekturzentrum Wien, Museumsplatz 1, 1070 Wien

J & L Gibbons, London, UK

How can blue and green infrastructures be integrated into Vienna's densely built-up residential neighbourhoods, and what international models are there? The London landscape architecture firm J & L Gibbons is known for visionary design processes that combine education, research, activism with landscape conservation. In the award-winning project "Dalston Eastern Curve Garden", they initiated a community garden in collaboration with muf architecture that invites users to learn, grow, relax and play naturally as urban agriculture and urban forest.

This year, the successful event series is dedicated to the topic of green spaces close to housing and thus to groundbreaking work in landscape architecture!

Johanna Gibbons, J & L Gibbons, London, UK

in English

Respondence: Daniel Zimmermann, 3:0 Landschaftsarchitektur


This event is a cooperation of  Az W with IBA_Wien.

IBA meets Architects #13 - J & L Gibbons

IBA meets Architects 10 *

2020 IBA meets Architects Wie wohnen wir morgen? How will we live tomorrow? 07.10.2020 | 19:00 - 21:00 Architekturzentrum Wien | Museumsplatz 1 online |

Seit 2017 laden das Architekturzentrum Wien und die IBA_Wien internationale Architekt*innen in einer gemeinsamen Veranstaltungsreihe nach Wien, die in ihren Projekten neue Wege gehen. Der nächste Gast im Oktober ist Verena von Beckerath vom Berliner Büro Heide & von Beckerath.