How will we live tomorrow?: Exhibition Tour*


How will we live tomorrow?

Guided tour

22.09.2020 | 10:00 - 12:00
WEST (ehem. Sophienspital), Stollgasse 17/ Ecke Neubaugürtel, 1070 Wien

With the IBA_Vienna, the International Building Exhibition 2022, the City of Vienna focuses on the innovative further development of social housing.
In this way, the one hundred-year-old successful tradition in social housing is taken up in order to actively shape outstanding new developments in the field of housing.
The exhibition "How will we live tomorrow?" will present the interim results of more than 100 innovative building projects from September 8th until October 22nd 2020.

Project managers of the IBA_Vienna lead through the exhibition and give an overview of the status of the International Building Exhibition Vienna.


* Registration for this event is possible online from August.