Migration, Mobility and Access to Subsidized Housing in Vienna: Access Barriers and Possible Solutions




13.09.2022 | 18:00 - 20:00
IBA-Zentrum, Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1200 Wien

Presentation of the study and discussion event

The results of the study "Migration, Mobility and Access to Subsidized Housing in Vienna IBA Projects as Innovative Impulses" will be presented. In the context of the IBA_Vienna, possible scope for action for low-threshold access to subsidized housing will be highlighted. Possible solutions will be discussed with practitioners who are confronted with the everyday life of people looking for housing and the allocation of housing. 


Presentation of the study: Daniele Karasz, Search+Shape

Input lecture: Christiane Droste, Berlin Vermietet Fair


Followed by discussion with the following guests:

  • Isabella Jandl (Wohnservice Wien)
  • Elisabeth Hammer (BAWO)
  • Armin Hanschitz (FSW)
  • Christiane Droste (Berlin Vermietet Fair)
  • Gül Lüle (Verein Piramidops – Frauentreff)


Migration, Mobility and Access to Subsidized Housing in Vienna (German)

Language: This event will be held in German.