Urgent housing needs. Single parents in search of housing: presentation of the study



14.11.2022 | 18:00 - 19:30
IBA-Zentrum, Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1200 Wien

Single parents and their children are among the population groups particularly at risk of poverty and have above-average housing costs. The introduction of justified housing needs for single parents in the allocation of subsidized housing in Vienna as well as the search for innovative approaches in housing construction were the first important steps. Single-parent families who turn to Caritas Vienna in precarious living situations are still hardly reached by these measures. The authors of the study talked to single parents and experts and collected knowledge that could be interesting for everyone: How do we plan and create access to suitable housing? What next political steps are necessary? One thing is clear: more options are needed.

Language: This event will be held in German.