How will we
live tomorrow?


Exhibition tour part 1 of 5

Vienna stands for outstanding quality of life worldwide. One of the main reasons is that Vienna consistently puts the social aspect, and thus the people of this city, at the centre of all fundamental programmes and decisions. Especially in the area of housing and construction, it is a multitude of measures that closely interlock and thus form a basis for the population to live contentedly in the city. High standards for housing and building, clear requirements for the awarding of subsidies and balanced utilisation concepts at the planning level lead to successful social mixing. In order for social cohesion to grow from this, special living and housing needs must be specifically addressed and sometimes active support must also be offered.

Project Overview

Click here for the project overview. Within the framework of the IBA_Vienna, 9 districts and neighborhoods, each with several projects, as well as 15 individual projects are being worked on. In total, there are now more than 100 projects that are to be monitored further and completed by the presentation year 2022 in order to make the results visible to the public

Project Overview


International Building Exhibitions

The tradition of the Building Exhibitions is already more than 100 years old: by the mid-nineteenth century it had become standard practice to present technical innovations in the area of building at world fairs. The tradition of independent Building Exhibitions was established in 1901 in the Mathildenhöhe in Darmstadt as a documentation of the art of building and residential culture; in architectural terms, the results are regarded as a milestone of German Art nouveau.

Since then there have been a number of International Building Exhibitions at irregular intervals. What they all have in common is that they have always been mirrors of their time in relation to social, technical and cultural movements and developments. Against the background of the Vienna IBA "New Social Housing", it is therefore worthwhile to take a look back at the history of those building exhibitions that have dealt with the issue of housing in the narrower and broader sense.



IBA meets School

Special guided tours for schools were offered as part of the Interim Presentation.

Find out more


Accompanying Projects

In addition to the neighbourhoods and IBA candidates, there are many accompanying projects within the framework of the IBA_Vienna, which have been presented in different ways in the exhibition.

One of these accompanying projects is the project "Ich brauche Platz!" (I need space!)

Accompanying projects I need Space!


Further exhibition elements

Drone flights

Drone flights were carried out in many IBA neighbourhoods as part of the Interim Presentation.

Drone flights


Stories were recorded for all IBA neighbourhoods as part of the Interim Presentation. Please note, the audio-stories are in German only.



Postcards are available for all our neighbourhoods and individual candidates. Would you like to receive one or the other postcard in printed form? Then please send us a short e-Mail.


Architectural models

Architectural models play an essential role in the planning process, as they make ideas and concepts visible and tangible. In the exhibition "How will we live tomorrow?" the models were therefore an important building block to enable a holistic view of the project.