
Ottakringer Straße/ Geblergasse/ Helblinggasse
1170 Wien

Cooperation Partners

7 1
Apfelbaum - Verein für Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen und Begabungen Wien

Strozzigasse 32-34/10
1080 Wien

Open Website

Liv Immobilienvermarktung GmbH

Strozzigasse 32-34
1080 Wien

Open Website

Praschl-Goodarzi Architekten ZT-GmbH

Auerspergstraße 5/Top 17
1080 Wien

Open Website

idealice Landschaftsarchitektur - DI Alice Größinger

Bloch Bauer Promenade 20/Top 10
1100 Wien

Open Website

Studio Riebenbauer

Währinger Straße 6-8/Top 12
1090 Wien

Open Website

Auftakt GmbH

Dietrichgasse 48
1030 Wien

Open Website

Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst gem. GmbH

Steinergasse 3/12
1170 Wien

Open Website

To route

>> A community like a small village. People with the most diverse needs, living together in individual living arrangements. People with and without disabilities, who bring a high degree of mutual respect and tolerance. Life-affirming, open-minded towards others and new things. Willing to be an active part of a community. This is Apfelbaum - a village within a city. <<

Inclusion as a social attitude.
Apfelbaum is a visionary real estate project. It offers a counter-model to exclusion and displacement and focuses on inclusion as a social attitude: everyone should have the opportunity to live and reside in a community in a self-determined manner and with equal rights. With this claim, the project specifically addresses people with special needs such as people with physical or mental disabilities, but also senior citizens, students or single parents.

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Diversity of offer creates affordability and inclusion.
The Apfelbaum project is being built in the Gründerzeit block (built between 1892 and 1900) between Ottakringerstraße, Helblinggasse and Geblergasse, in one of the most colourful and lively areas of the city. The new building complex covers around 12,500 m² of floor space over several plots. The project comprises various forms of housing for around 280 people, including classic single and family flats, shared flats and apartments for students, as well as innovative forms of housing such as group living or assisted living. In addition, there will be commercial space, a children's group, communal areas, studio spaces and a health centre - an enrichment for the whole district. The use of housing subsidies will ensure the affordability of the apartments and a high social mix. 

The village in the city.
The project "Apfelbaum - Inclusive Living in Hernals" focuses on the compatibility of the living environments of people with and without disabilities and also engages an exemplary neighbourhood development in a Gründerzeit block. The project aims to promote self-determined living for people with and without disabilities. It wants to enable residents to grow older in their familiar surroundings or in their own apartment, even if personal living conditions may change significantly. 

The project is also characterized by an extensive and nature-oriented open space design: many trees, shrubs and other plants filter and cool the air. They create a pleasant microclimate that cools in summer and counteract the increasing overheating of the city. A spacious, park-like inner courtyard as well as roof gardens, where people can garden together, are accessible without barriers and invite people to linger. In addition to the communal areas, they represent meeting zones and support the community spirit of the project.


Apfelbaum (English Subtitles)

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Cooperation Partners

7 1
Apfelbaum - Verein für Menschen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen und Begabungen Wien

Strozzigasse 32-34/10
1080 Wien

Open Website

Liv Immobilienvermarktung GmbH

Strozzigasse 32-34
1080 Wien

Open Website

Praschl-Goodarzi Architekten ZT-GmbH

Auerspergstraße 5/Top 17
1080 Wien

Open Website

idealice Landschaftsarchitektur - DI Alice Größinger

Bloch Bauer Promenade 20/Top 10
1100 Wien

Open Website

Studio Riebenbauer

Währinger Straße 6-8/Top 12
1090 Wien

Open Website

Auftakt GmbH

Dietrichgasse 48
1030 Wien

Open Website

Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst gem. GmbH

Steinergasse 3/12
1170 Wien

Open Website