To neighborhood walk
The Gemeindebau NEU in Wolfganggasse has 105 apartments. All apartments are equipped with balconies or loggias, and the housing complex also has stroller storage rooms on each floor. The green areas have a small children's playground as well as a common children's and youth play area with the neighboring building site. In addition, the Gemeindebau NEU has a landscaped communal roof terrace with raised beds for communal gardening.
More than half of the apartments are realised as 2-room apartments with an area of 46 to 55 m². These are designed in such a way that they are suitable not only for couples but also for single parents, as they also have a large playroom and bedroom in addition to the living space. The compact floor plan and the optimally positioned large wet rooms enable the apartment to be used even when living conditions change.
In the case of Gemeindebau NEU, financing contributions and deposits are waived in their entirety.
105 Gemeindewohnungen NEU