To neighborhood walk


1120 Wien

Cooperation Partners

wohnfonds_wien - fonds für wohnbau und stadterneuerung

Lenaugasse 10
1080 Wien

Open Website

To neighborhood walk

Tips in the Grätzel

3 1
Stadtwanderweg 11

The route of the urban municipal housing walking trail with nine fixed stations runs along the Gürtel and takes you into the world of social housing in Vienna.


This park, which is now a popular meeting place, was created in 1926 on the site of an abandoned cemetery where the composer Joseph Haydn was buried.

48er-Tandler – the Viennese second-hand market

On the other side of the Gürtel at Siebenbrunnenfeldgasse 3 in the 5th district is the 48er-Tandler. Here, beautiful old goods get a second chance.

Building a social environment

>> The housing offer is particularly responsive to different living situations. In this context, the growing group of single parents in Vienna is particularly important to me. That's why an innovative and customized offer is being created for this group for the first time. <<

Kathrin Gaál, Deputy Mayor & Executive City Councillor for Housing, Housing Construction, Urban Renewal and Women’s Issues

Since 2009, social sustainability has been one of the four pillars of subsidized housing in Vienna. How this social sustainability is defined must always be renegotiated and optimized. This is because the requirements change in line with the social and demographic changes in society. Today, it is possible to respond to the needs of single parents, the elderly and young people in a more targeted way than in the past. This was one of the main goals in the development of the Wolfganggasse neighborhood.

In spring 2018, the Wolfganggasse depot, which also housed the old remise of the Wiener Lokalbahn, was abandoned in order to convert the area into a residential area. After a cooperative planning process was carried out in 2016 and a new zoning and development plan was adopted, a developer competition was launched in 2018 as part of the 2018 - 2020 housing offensive.

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Life in community
On the 31,000m2 site, a new neighborhood is now being built with more than 800 subsidized apartments: special forms of housing for single parents, a municipal housing estate NEW, SMART apartments, subsidized rental apartments, shared apartments for partially assisted living for people with disabilities and home places with socio-educational support. In addition to subsidized apartments, the new urban neighborhood offers a nursing home, a kindergarten, a supermarket, workshops and space for additional business premises. The Austrian Young Workers' Movement (Österreichische Jungarbeiterbewegung, ÖJAB), which is already located here, is expanding its care center and locating training workshops and a home for apprentices. One of the housing developers will establish its new company location there. Other numerous and diverse community facilities are in the making. These diverse offerings in the Wolfganggasse urban development area create optimal conditions for a lively district.

Social mix
The social mix is ensured by the diverse range of apartments, which are aimed at different living and income situations as well as family forms. In concrete terms, this means flexible room layouts within the apartments, studio apartments, shared apartments, separate living groups or guest apartments that can be used temporarily. The common rooms here are planned and usable as extended living rooms. In this way, communal activities, contacts and communication are promoted and the emergence of a socially supportive living environment is made possible.

The green and open spaces with their diverse range of offers are cross-building, and the large, common open space can be used by the residents of all buildings. The former coach house will be preserved and renovated and will serve as a new neighborhood center in the future.

Redevelopment for the neighborhood
In the course of the development of the Wolfganggasse neighborhood, the existing buildings in the neighboring neighborhoods will also be the focus of a redevelopment offensive in the coming years. This existing area will be upgraded and networked in interaction with the new development area. The potential of 100 properties to the west of Haydnpark will be investigated, and concepts with corresponding funding opportunities will be developed. The main goal of the block redevelopment is to improve the quality of living and life through redevelopment and upgrading of the public space. The adjacent Paula von Mirtow Park will also be enlarged.


Wolfganggasse - Housing made easy! (English subtitles)

Tips in the Grätzel

3 1
Stadtwanderweg 11

The route of the urban municipal housing walking trail with nine fixed stations runs along the Gürtel and takes you into the world of social housing in Vienna.


This park, which is now a popular meeting place, was created in 1926 on the site of an abandoned cemetery where the composer Joseph Haydn was buried.

48er-Tandler – the Viennese second-hand market

On the other side of the Gürtel at Siebenbrunnenfeldgasse 3 in the 5th district is the 48er-Tandler. Here, beautiful old goods get a second chance.

Candidates and other projects in this neighborhood

Gemeindebau NEU Wolfganggasse

A Gemeindebau NEU with 105 appartments is being built on site 1B. Compact floor plans and large wet rooms enable the apartment to be used even when living conditions change.

Lebenscampus Wolfganggasse

The Lebenscampus Wolfganggasse meets the needs of living, meeting, social exchange, care, support and education. Particularly noteworthy is the housing mix for different life situations.

Remise NEU

In the run-up to the developers' competition, a separate selection procedure for the re-use of the depot building has been tendered. Art, culture and gastronomy are to be the long-term uses. The old depot is turning into the new neighborhood center!

Susi-Weigel-Weg 1+3

Building site 1A offers subsidised rental flats, a kindergarten and a dedicated home care centre. The common room on the ground floor with direct access to the neighbouring park is available to all tenants.


The project on site 1C in Wolfganggasse comprises a colorful mix of apartments. Around a quarter of the apartments will be made available primarily to single parents. Compact floor plans and SMART apartments are intended for this target group.

ÖJAB-Residence & Nursing Home Neumargareten

The ÖJAB is rebuilding its residential and nursing home. Right next door, at the Lebenscampus Wolfganggasse, the ÖJAB will teach young people and adults, support disadvantaged young people and run a new youth residence.

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Cooperation Partners

wohnfonds_wien - fonds für wohnbau und stadterneuerung

Lenaugasse 10
1080 Wien

Open Website