In the course of the IBA pilot project "Home Game" (June - October 2021), the focus was placed on the communal increased use of the public green space and the creation of new meeting spaces for residents. At a communal "multigenerational festival" on 01.09.2021, the focus was not only on children, but also on senior citizens and the intergenerational coming together, playing and chatting:
The green space at the corner of Bergtaidingweg and Ada-Christen-Gasse ("Home Game arena 1") was used one afternoon for young and old - with parachute games, bowling, boccia and music. The participating children of the Home Game project and residents of the nearby Kuratorium Wiener Pensionisten-Wohnhäuser Haus Laaerberg got to know each other, celebrated extensively, kicked and played together.
In the summer of 2022, an intergenerational program will once again be offered - in addition, a fixed infrastructure will be created to sustainably enable and consolidate encounters between young and old. Thus, even after the IBA_Vienna, a place will exist in the future at the access to the Bergtaidingweg where different generations can come together, get to know each other better and develop more understanding for each other's needs.