The short films "Neighborhood in Dialogue - Learning from the Neighborhood In der Wiesen Süd", produced as part of the IBA_Vienna, present thematic areas that can be found in many neighborhoods. They show how they touch the everyday life of individuals, where they become conflictual and how they enrich. The short films stimulate cross-neighborhood discourse on the topic of neighborhoods. The thematic videos are framed by statements of the project participants in the form of an introduction and the "lessons learned". The questions posed in the short films are the starting point for the development of realitylab's platform. The platform is used to systematize knowledge about these topics, to discuss them, and to search for and communicate solutions to the challenges of living together. The presentation event as part of the IBA final presentation is intended to be the start of this process by inviting people from as many neighborhoods of subsidized housing as possible to enter into an exchange around these topics and to celebrate "gemeinschaffen" in neighborhoods.