Housing development Grüner Weg

Partner city: Cologne

50825 Köln

A new neighborhood has been created on an industrial wasteland on Grüner Weg in the Ehrenfeld district of Cologne. Fifteen buildings house not only apartments and commercial space but also a theater, a daycare center and a dementia community.

There is plenty of space for play areas and recreation in the neighborhood. Together with the "Obsthain Grüner Weg" cooperation, apple and pear trees were planted in mobile containers at the beginning. The 30 trees later found their permanent place in the housing estate and delight the tenants.

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The neighborhood has been created on the derelict site of a former distillation plant factory and a neighboring area. The focus of the planning is on point buildings, which are staggered and arranged in parallel. With their different design language, the new buildings set urban accents.

In addition to living, working is the central theme at Grüner Weg. Four buildings, between three and seven stories high, house commercial space. The spaces are suitable for small to medium-sized companies, advertising firms and other service providers. There are no limits to the variety and type of use.

ASTOC Architects and Planners, Lorber Paul architects and Molestina architects, in collaboration with Scape landscape architects, handled the planning for the new housing development. In 2018, the neighborhood won the German Building Award in the category "High Quality - Affordable Costs in Residential Construction," as well as recognition at the 2017 polis Award in the category "Social Neighborhood Development."

The integration of district-related activities in the course of the project creates a high level of acceptance in the neighborhood. With the building's typical stylistic elements in an unusual context, the lifestyle of the flexible, mobile city dweller is taken into account. People in all relationship and family constellations are given the opportunity to live and work in a newly interpreted urban context. A functioning, livable new urban neighborhood is created.
(Source: Polis-award.com)