13.00 | Introduction: The Importance of exchange – how much we can learn from each other Kurt Hofstetter, Coordinator IBA_Vienna |
13.10 | Round 1: Affordable housing policies and how they work Impulse presentations from IBA corresponding cities - Dublin: Housing for All - The National Plan for Housing and Cost rental housing
Daíthí Downey, Head of Housing Policy, Research and Strategy in the Dublin City Council - Munich: Instruments of inclusive housing policy – SoBon, Munich Modell, „konzeptioneller Mietwohnungsbau“
Klaus Illigmann, City of Munich, Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulation, Urban Development Planning - Cologne: The Cooperative Building Model
Caroline Wagner, City of Cologne, Urban Planning Department, Head of preliminary urban land-use planning - Barcelona: Barcelona’s strategic housing policies – The ESAL Agreement: the first Community Land Trust”.
Maite Arrondo, City of Barcelona, European Projects and Networks Discussion |
14.15 | Round 2: Making mixed use developments work Impulse presentations from IBA corresponding cities - Munich: Munich Mix – an instrument to ensure social mix in new neighbourhoods
Elisabeth Merk, City of Munich, City Planning Officer, Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulation (joining remotely) - Cologne: New Neighbourhood Sechtemer Block and the Cologne Catalogue
Jörn Rickmann, GAG Immobilien AG and Stephanie Nourney-Waldmann, City of Cologne, Department for Urban Development and Statistics. - Stuttgart: Productive urban neighbourhood Winnenden
Sacha Rudolf, Project Manager, IBA’27 Stuttgart Discussion |
15.00 | Coffee break |
15.30 | Round 3: Building sustainably in times of climate crisis. How to reduce carbon and material footprint? Impulse presentations from IBA corresponding cities - Munich: Prinz-Eugen-Park & NaWaRo
Christiane Meier, Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulation at the city of Munich, Urban Redevelopment and Housing - Berlin: Schuhmacher Quartier & Bauhütte 4.0
Gudrun Sack, CEO, Tegel Project GmbH - Dublin: Making the case for retrofitting social housing blocks – valuing embodied carbon. Dominick Street & Dolphin House
Ali Grehan, City Architect at the City of Dublin - Stuttgart: Redevelopment project Neckarspinnerei
Stefanie Kerlein, Project Manager, IBA’27 Stuttgart Discussion |
16.40 | Round 4: Engaging communities for urban development & renewal Impulse presentations from IBA corresponding cities - Cologne: Chorweiler – engaging the local community in redevelopment processes
Brigitte Scholz, City of Cologne, Head of Department of Urban Planning and Statistics - Berlin: Haus der Statistik – local initiatives as key drivers of urban renewal
Jonas Machleidt, Berlin Senate, Deparment for Urban Planning - Dublin: Emmet Road – the cost rental model in practice
Daíthí Downey, Head of Housing Policy, Research & Strategy in the Dublin City Council - Stuttgart: Backnang West redevelopment as key project of IBA Stuttgart
Stefanie Kerlein, Project Manager at IBA’27 Stuttgart Discussion |
17.30 | Coffee Break |
18.00 | Introduction by a Representative of the City of Vienna Evening lecture: Innovative housing and planning solutions in the World Capital of Architecture 2023 – Copenhagen Lise Pedersen, Chief of Planning, City of Copenhagen |
19.00 | End of symposium |