Social innovations thought through further: Excursion


Führungen & Spaziergänge

18.10.2022 | 09:00 - 13:00
Forum Am Seebogen, Eileen-Gray-Gasse 2, 1220 Wien

The IBA_Vienna was able to contribute to the development of several Viennese neighborhoods. We can learn from this not only for other neighborhoods, but also for many other areas of sustainable urban development - from the successes as well as the challenges. After all, many dynamic issues are being worked on cooperatively at this scale and are also being lived new, which we want to make visible together on this day.

The three-part event "Social innovations thought through further" ties in with this focus of the IBA_Vienna. On behalf of the Climate and Energy Fund, the future.lab of the Vienna University of Technology will focus on the role of social innovations as a contribution to sustainability transformation in the coming years. > more info

During an excursion and workshop, we will explore the often invisible but central learning and innovation processes through the development of two IBA neighborhoods. In the evening, we will hear two high-profile keynotes and discuss - based on seven years of IBA_Vienna - the contribution of learning processes to the sustainability transformation of our cities.

The three sections excursion, workshop and symposium build on each other, but are not obligatory. Participation in only one or two sections is explicitly possible and desired. The Innovation Workshop team will take the results to the next stage in each case. The symposium will also be livestreamed and can be followed online here.

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Social innovations thought through further: Symposium

2022 Symposium 18.10.2022 | 18:00 - 20:00 IBA-Zentrum | Nordwestbahnstraße 16

The IBA_Vienna was able to contribute to the development of several Viennese neighborhoods. The three-part event "Social innovations thought through further" ties in with this focus of the IBA_Vienna. On behalf of the Climate and Energy Fund, the future.lab of the Vienna University of Technology will focus on the role of social innovations as a contribution to sustainability transformation in the coming years. 

Social innovations thought through further: Workshop

2022 Workshop 18.10.2022 | 14:30 - 17:30 IBA-Zentrum | Nordwestbahnstraße 16

The IBA_Vienna was able to contribute to the development of several Viennese neighborhoods. The three-part event "Social innovations thought through further" ties in with this focus of the IBA_Vienna. On behalf of the Climate and Energy Fund, the future.lab of the Vienna University of Technology will focus on the role of social innovations as a contribution to sustainability transformation in the coming years.