ICH BRAUCHE PLATZ!: Lecture & Discussion



IBA Meets Art

10.10.2022 | 18:00 - 20:00
IBA-Zentrum, Nordwestbahnstraße 16, 1200 Wien

The impact of children's rights on housing and spaces in the city 

In 1989, the United Nations adopted a fundamental treaty on the rights of the child. Austria signed this treaty in 1992 and further strengthened the rights of children, among other things, through a federal constitutional law. What impact does this have on the issue of housing and (more) spaces for children and young people in the city? This question will be explored through the presentation of the projects „Ich brauche Platz!“ and "BiB-Lab - Innovationslabor für Bildungsräume in Bewegung" by the Vienna University of Technology together with the "Kinder- und Jugendanwaltschaft Wien" (Attorneyship for children and youth Vienna).

Language: This event will be held in German.

related projects


Ich brauche Platz! is an art and space research project that was carried out in several phases and at different locations. A public transport bus converted into a multifunctional space served as the "research base".

BiB-Lab – Innovation Lab for Educational Spaces in Motion

In a three-year cooperation process, work is being done in the Per-Albin-Hansson-Siedlung, on new models of creative spaces for thinking, acting and designing, which have so far been lacking in the existing (educational) structures.