Mixed Use


A city is not only made up of housing. Even a city like Vienna, which is justifiably proud of its housing tradition, would only be a settlement if there were nothing else but housing in it. For neighborhoods to truly become a piece of the livable and viable city, a proper mix is needed. A small-scale mix of living, working and shopping facilities ensures short distances, avoids traffic and emissions. Culture, gastronomy and social offerings are essential for the identity of a neighborhood.

Not to be neglected is the productive city, i.e., places where commerce, logistics and production can take place without being relegated to the outskirts. In addition, there are new forms of work such as the home office. This means that the boundaries between the residential and the non-residential are becoming more open. Ground floors in neighborhoods, in particular, lend themselves to productive experi- ments with mixed urban forms.

The IBA_Vienna focuses on the mix of uses in neighborhood development, for example in the “Am Seebogen” and Sonnwendviertel neighborhoods. But also within individual buildings, many projects have developed not only productive mixes but also methods to coordinate the different needs. After all, a one-person business plans its future in a completely different way when compared with a residential developer. This requires suitable management and coordination right from the start.


Examples in the IBA ...

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Atelierhaus C21

The Atelierhaus dissolves the usual spatial boundaries between working and living and offers space as a neutral framework, open for different living structures and uses that the users can design and determine themselves.

Bikes and Rails

The housing project Bikes and Rails is part of the "habiTAT Mietshäuser Syndikat", a network of self-organised and solidarity-based housing projects with the aim of buying houses off the market and securing them as self-managed free spaces for all time.

die HausWirtschaft

The building cooperative "die HausWirtschaft" sees itself as a space company that realises a building and roof company oriented towards the common good in a participative process. The focus is on the close connection between working and living.

Grüner Markt

The "Green Market" combines living, working and producing. Of the total area of the building, about 30% is available for commercial use.


The "Kulturgarage" brings culture to the suburbs and offers space for a variety of cultural events in the base area with the two-story event center.


The MUSIC BOX offers the opportunity to live, work, rehearse, dwell, and network under one roof.

Wohnen & Gewerbehof

The unique selling point of this project is the deliberate combination of living and working within the framework of a completely newly conceived model project: a finely orchestrated open space concept is the link between the two ecosystems.

... and beyond

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More Innovations & Projects

Many concrete innovations and projects go beyond the period of the IBA_Vienna and represent important impulses for the further development of the mentioned thematic field.

Click on the arrow above the image to learn more!

Urban Upgrade

Urban Upgrade is a special service for startups, small businesses, one-person businesses, SMEs, developers, real estate developers and property managers.

Living & Working for art and culture professionals

Similar to one-person businesses and small businesses, artists and cultural workers play an important role in neighborhood development.

Anergy Networks

In the future, neighborhood development will no longer be possible without early integration of energy planning at the neighborhood level.

Space-sharing hubs

Space-sharing hubs are not a new invention. This type of cooperative use of space has been taking root in cities and rural areas for some time.

Co-creative Mile

The “co-creative mile” in Seestadt will create creative, cultural and non-commercially used open spaces.