IBA ResearchLab 2020: Climate Adaptation and Mitigation in Social Housing – Bottom Up and Local Perspectives | Tag 1

IBA trifft Forschung

IBA Meets Research


Wie wohnen wir morgen?

How will we live tomorrow?

Digitale Vorträge & Online-Diskussionen


07.09.2020 | 14:00 - 17:00 Uhr

This event will be held in english language.

In 2020, the summer school will have a thematic focus on climate adaptation and mitigation in social housing. Global warming and climate change bring about dramatic challenges for social housing. The function of housing and housing environments as shelter against heat, rain and storm receives new attention, even in regions that have not been prone to adverse weather conditions for a long time. Urban design strategies rediscover values of shadow and water for healthy living conditions.

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Due to COVID-19 protection meassures, this year's events will be accessible online for registered participants.


Monday, Sept 7

(online seminar)

2pm - 3pm

  • Introduction: Simon Güntner (TU Wien) and Christoph Reinprecht (University of Vienna)
  • Documentary Film on local and bottom-up initiatives in Vienna: Frank Hagen

3pm - 5pm

Bottom-Up Strategies to Climate Adaptation and Mitigation - Empowerment, Citizenship and Autonomy

This panel will concentrate on bottom-up planning processes and self-organization in climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. The way inhabitants are involved, ressources are shared and conflicts are resolved.



Usina - Work Center for a Habitable Environment: Lenka Kužvartová

Recent trends in Vienna's social housing approach: fostering environmentally 'just' modes of living?: Michael Friesenecker

Comments and Statements by:

AbduoMaliq Simone, Urbanist, Senior Professorial Fellow at the Urban Institute, University of Sheffield

Laura Collini, Urbanist, Cofounder of Urban Social Research Platform Tesseræ


Tuesday, Sept 8

(online seminar)

10am - 11.30am

Blue and Green Infrastructure in Social Housing - Access, Distribution and Impact

This panel will focus on the use of blue (and green) infrastructure to achieve cooling and mitigating effects. A guiding question will concern the role of local communities in access and management of resources and systems.



Struggle for adaptation: Prague sites and minor blue green infrastructure: Václav Orcígr, Michaela Babišová

City of Bogor - Water Sensitive City: Raul Marino

Comments and Statements by:

Sophie Watson, Professor of Sociology at the Open University, UK

Roberta Cucca, Assciate Professor of Urban Sutainability Planning at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo


11.30am - 1pm

Mitigating Design

In this panel, we look at mitigating designs (exterior and interior) in housing and in public space. How can sites (buildings and places) be designed in a way that promotes climate-friendly modes of living.



More (Rome) Collective Living: Designing New Quality Space For Emerging Urban Communities, Vasiliki Fragkaki

Contest provisioning of care and housing in the market society

Comments and Statements by:

Sascha Rösler, Swiss National Science Foundation Professor for Architecture and Theory at the Acadamy of Architecture in Mendrisio, Switzerland

Fran Tonkiss, Professor of Scociology at the London School of Economics


7pm - 9pm

Bridging Social and Ecological Sustainability in Social Housing - How to Move Forward?

Evening panel to discuss first findings of the IBA ResearchLab and their applicability in Vienna.


IBA Research Lab "Between Social and Ecological Sustainability”: Public Discussion

Verbundene Projekte

50 Green Houses

Within the framework of "50 Green Houses", an integrated combination solution for roadside retrofitting of existing buildings with greenery is being developed for the first time.


LiLa4Green steht für „Living Lab for Green”, also ein lebendiges Labor: Bei der Entwicklung von Nature Based Solutions mit größtmöglicher sozialer Wirkung & Akzeptanz werden innovative sozial­wissen­schaftliche Methoden mit digitalen Techniken kombiniert.


LiLa4Green stands for "Living Lab for Green,” i.e., a living laboratory: innovative social science ­methods are combined ­with digital techniques in the development of Nature-Based Solutions with the greatest possible social impact and acceptance.

Bi­o­tope City

Die Biotope City am Wienerberg ist eine kooperative Stadtteilentwicklung von Bauträgern und Expert*innen aus unterschiedlichen Fachdisziplinen für ein Stadtquartier, das sich den Anforderungen der Klimaanpassung stellt.

Bi­o­tope City

Climate adaptation measures in subsidized housing play an increasingly important role, but the principle of affordability must not be neglected. The Biotope City Wienerberg shows that dense development and effective greening are compatible.


Das Projekt HOUSEFUL erforscht und entwickelt innovative Kreislauf-Lösungen und Dienstleistungen für den Wohnungssektor.


The project deals with the topic of circular economy in the housing sector.

50 Grüne Häuser

Im Rahmen von „50 Grüne Häuser“ wird erstmals eine integrierte Kombi-Lösung für eine straßenseitige Nachrüstung von Bestandsimmobilien mit Gebäudebegrünung entwickelt.

In­no­va­ti­ons­labor GRÜN­STATT­GRAU

GRÜNSTATTGRAU versteht sich als eigenständiges Innovationslabor, das spezifisch dem Thema Sanieren im urbanen Bestand mit Bauwerksbegrünung gewidmet ist.

In­no­va­tion Lab GRÜN­STATT­GRAU

This project is an independent Innovation Lab that is specifically dedicated to the topic of redevelopment of urban stock with greening buildings.

IBA ResearchLab 2021: Contours of Postpandemic Social Housing

IBA trifft Forschung 2021 Symposium Digitale Vorträge & Online-Diskussionen 13.09.2021 | 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr online |

Das Symposium wird Positionen aus Philosophie, Sozialwissenschaft, Architektur und Planung vereinen, um zu erforschen, wie die Covid-19-Pandemie das Wohnen und Wohnsituationen beeinflusst hat und was aus dieser Erfahrung entstehen kann.

IBA ResearchLab 2021: Contours of Postpandemic Social Housing

IBA Meets Research 2021 Symposium Digitale Vorträge & Online-Diskussionen 13.09.2021 | 14:00 - 18:00 Uhr online |

The symposium will gather positions from philosophy, social science, architecture and planning to explore the ways in which Covid-19 pandemic has affected housing and living situations, and what can emerge from this experience.

IBA ResearchLab 2021: Redefining the Home in the Postpandemic City

IBA trifft Forschung 2021 Vortrag Diskussion Digitale Vorträge & Online-Diskussionen 14.09.2021 | 19:30 - 22:00 Uhr TU Sky Lounge | Getreidemarkt 9, 11. OG, BA Gebäude online |

Abendvorträge und Diskussion

IBA ResearchLab 2021: Redefining the Home in the Postpandemic City

IBA Meets Research 2021 Vortrag Debate Digitale Vorträge & Online-Diskussionen 14.09.2021 | 19:30 - 22:00 Uhr TU Sky Lounge | Getreidemarkt 9, 11. OG, BA Gebäude online |

Evening Lectures and Debate