To neighborhood walk
To neighborhood walk
To neighborhood walk
If you go to the rather inconspicuous Braunhubergasse, you can discover a surprising piece of historic preservation at number 20 – the Glaubenskirche of the Protestant parish of Simmering, designed by architect Roland Rainer.
It is not only Schloss Neugebäude that attracts visitors, but also the nature trail, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the castle.
Vienna’s most important cemetery is not only the final resting place for people of all religions but also a central recreational area. Due to its many honorary graves, it is one of the most visited sights in the city of Vienna.
>> The IBA_Vienna has been an important project partner and disseminator right from the start. It is our aim to establish the results of the project in the city and with its partners, and for them to have a lasting effect. <<
Stephan Hartmann, Project Manager Smarter Together
Smarter Together is the largest EU-funded smart city urban renewal initiative in Vienna and part of the joint smart city lighthouse project of the cities of Vienna, Munich and Lyon. This was funded by the EU as part of the Horizon 2020 research program. The aim is to implant technical and social innovations as well as innovative processes for sustainable urban renewal in selected city districts - including integrated building refurbishments, climate-friendly energy systems and e-mobility. These also contribute to achieving the UN climate goals.
More than 30 project partners from administration, research, industry and SMEs participated in the project. The project comprises a three-year implementation phase (2016-2019) and a subsequent monitoring and evaluation phase (until 2021), which also includes a further deepening of the transfer of the project results.
read moreMore than 40 projects
In Vienna alone, well over 40 individual projects have been implemented as part of Smarter Together, directly benefiting around 21,000 Viennese. Whereas the initial project application, with EU funding for Vienna of 7 million euros, envisaged a total investment volume of 46 million euros, the latter has risen to over 80 million euros. The Vienna Smarter Together urban renewal area is located in the Simmering district between Simmeringer Hauptstraße and Ostbahn.
The projects include the renovation of three housing complexes for 1,300 residents with thermal-energetic measures, photovoltaics and solar thermal energy, as well as e-car sharing in the BWSG housing complex in Hauffgasse, and the systematic involvement of citizens in the SIMmobil mobile hands-on laboratory. Also included is a school extension at Enkplatz with four new zero-energy gymnasiums, two solar benches and several workshops with the "Science Pool." Residents were also able to actively participate in the development of their "smart" district. The offerings ranged from information and hands-on activities to energy training.
In the area of mobility, offers for e-bikes and an e-bike rental service were added. In the fall of 2017, over 6,000 people from Simmering took part in the mobility game "Beat the Street." In September 2018, the first WienMobil station was opened at Simmeringer Platz, linking new mobility services. The logistics of businesses in the area were also part of Smarter Together, with e-vans for the postal service and e-mobility at the Siemens site.
Gaining experience across Europe
Participatory processes are of central importance, as is knowledge management at all levels (peer to peer and governance learning), in order to gather experience from the processes and to be able to apply the model across cities and Europe in the future. These experiences and research results will be shared at local and European levels. Santiago de Compostela, Sofia and Venice as well as Kyjiv and Yokohama also participate in the EU funding program.
Smarter Together creates new, promising collaborations in Vienna - with the aim of ensuring sustainable measures and promoting innovation dynamics. In this way, Smarter Together contributes to a modern city administration and relevant politics. In 2017, Smarter Together received the VCÖ Mobility Award 2017 in the category "Active Mobility and Public Space."
If you go to the rather inconspicuous Braunhubergasse, you can discover a surprising piece of historic preservation at number 20 – the Glaubenskirche of the Protestant parish of Simmering, designed by architect Roland Rainer.
It is not only Schloss Neugebäude that attracts visitors, but also the nature trail, which is located in the immediate vicinity of the castle.
Vienna’s most important cemetery is not only the final resting place for people of all religions but also a central recreational area. Due to its many honorary graves, it is one of the most visited sights in the city of Vienna.
Seit 2016 setzt Smarter Together über 40 innovative Einzelprojekte in Simmering und in Wien um. Bei einer geführten Tour durch die Bezirksteile Enkplatz – Geiselberg – Braunhuberviertel können Sie eine Auswahl der Projekte erkunden.
Entdecken Sie die Smart City Simmering in einer geführten Tour mit dem Leih-E-Bike oder dem eigenen Fahrrad.
Beim Wiener Forschungsfest können Kinder und Jugendliche in die Welt der Forschung und Entdeckung eintauchen.
The Smart City Vienna - Open Day will take place on October 17, where you will be informed about the Smart City Vienna and where the future development of Vienna will be discussed with you. You get insights into current projects and can actively contribute with your ideas and questions.
Kommen, Informieren und Mitmachen!
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