To neighborhood plan


1220 Wien

Cooperation Partners

3 1
wohnfonds_wien - fonds für wohnbau und stadterneuerung

Lenaugasse 10
1080 Wien

Open Website

nonconform ZT GmbH

Lederergasse 23/8/EG
1080 Wien

Open Website

GB*Stadtteilmanagement Berresgasse

Ziegelhofstraße 36/12/7R
1220 Wien

Open Website

To neighborhood plan

Tips in the Grätzel

3 1
GB*Stadtteilmanagement Berresgasse

Here you can get information about the development of the area and the status of planning. If you have ideas and suggestions, you are invited to participate.

Actin-Park in Hirschstetten

Das Projekt Actin-Park ist die erste Wiener Schulsportanlage ohne Zaun und Tore. Es entstand eine offene, zentrale Freizeitinfrastruktur mit ständiger Moderation durch das Jugendzentrum vor Ort.

Bathing pond Hirschstetten

Former gravel pit turned into a natural bathing place: The bathing pond is open all year round with free admission, featuring a children’s playground, a baby bay, a dog zone as well as dog bathing zone.

A Neighborhood for a Good Life

>> The neighborhood convinces by concepts spanning all building sites and the self-organization of the future residents. Experimental concepts like this will fertilize social housing in Vienna in the long term. <<

Ingrid Breckner, Member of the IBA Advisory Board

Along Berresgasse in Vienna’s 22nd district “Donaustadt”, a large field of arable land currently stretches out. This area, which was previously used for agriculture, separates the 70's square housing estate from the single-family houses on the other side. The development of this vacant land together with these two settlement components will create an urban neighborhood. In this course, the existing gaps in the infrastructural offer will also be closed: Local supply, campus school, leisure facilities, shopping and development opportunities. In detail, this means: grocery stores, hairdressers and beauty salons, fitness centers and cafés, clubs and many rooms for recreational activities. A district that will benefit not only the future residents, but above all the neighbors.

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Focus on the first floor
A novelty in Vienna was the focus on the first floor zone already at the stage of the developer competition. IBA_Vienna played a key role in coordinating the developers and the planned ground floor uses. Numerous workshops and coordination meetings ensured that all participants had a picture of the district as a whole in mind at an early stage and were able to help shape it. The aim was to clarify interfaces, avoid duplication and pave the way for non-residential uses and community facilities.

Planners and developers developed commercial and non-profit uses, as well as experimental and new forms of living on the first floor. All of the IBA candidates in the Berresgasse neighborhood reinterpreted housing on the first floor in a variety of ways. All agreed to dispense with fenced private gardens, which had often proved problematic in dense residential areas in the past. In addition to these residential uses, individual and small businesses, art and cultural professionals, and many others are explicitly to be located here.

The housing concepts also think neighborhood and identity formation in the long term. Changeable apartment floor plans make it possible to live in the district for a long time, even if life circumstances change. For example, there is the option of temporary housing on the first floor for biographical transitional situations.

Supporting the development of neighborhoods
Living is not limited to one's own four walls, nor does it stop at the apartment door. Just as building alone does not create a neighborhood and many residential buildings do not make a neighborhood. It is the residents who create neighborhoods. In the Berresgasse neighborhood, a settlement management ensures that these actors are provided with spaces and structures for self-organization. The GB* district management informs and initiates projects already in the planning phase in order to connect old and new.

Different forms of organization can be tried out and discussed: An association to strengthen neighborly togetherness or a neighborhood cooperative that can make living costs lower. The communal spaces established in Vienna's housing were also conceived here on a cross-building site basis in order to better tailor them to local needs. Laundry facilities, a home support center, rooftop community gardens, rentable work and hobby rooms, initiatives for barrier-free participation, cooperation with schools and several contact points for residents. In addition, the existing Berresgasse educational campus, with the concentrated integration power of the school, ensures the connection of old residents and new residents.


BERRESGASSE - A Neighborhood for Life (English Subtitles)

Tips in the Grätzel

3 1
GB*Stadtteilmanagement Berresgasse

Here you can get information about the development of the area and the status of planning. If you have ideas and suggestions, you are invited to participate.

Actin-Park in Hirschstetten

Das Projekt Actin-Park ist die erste Wiener Schulsportanlage ohne Zaun und Tore. Es entstand eine offene, zentrale Freizeitinfrastruktur mit ständiger Moderation durch das Jugendzentrum vor Ort.

Bathing pond Hirschstetten

Former gravel pit turned into a natural bathing place: The bathing pond is open all year round with free admission, featuring a children’s playground, a baby bay, a dog zone as well as dog bathing zone.

The neighborhood at a glance


The arcade in the southern part of the complex represents a visual highlight in the planning area. Sports activities are a key feature of the area. On the ground floor, there are 300m2 of space for commercial premises.


With a balanced mix of types and sizes, the flats offer high-quality living space in a newly developing district. The two high points of the buildings allow the flats to enjoy impressive views in all directions.


A vibrant neighbourhood in the district area at the interface between the education campus and the residential area: An open field of possibilities, offers and attractions as ImPULS for the urban development area Berresfeld.

Bildungscampus Berresgasse

A total of 1,100 school and nursery school places are offered here. There will be a nursery school with 12 groups, a primary school with 17 classes, a new secondary school with 12 classes, two special needs classes and two classes for children and adolesc


Living quality with high flexibility is achieved through a system construction design and an ecological concept with a combination of district heating and geothermal energy.


A Gemeindebau NEU (a NEW type of council housing estate) is to be built here. It offers the future residents compact, inexpensive and new apartments with no own funds required. Communal terraces, children’s playgrounds, a caretaker station and a commerci

Das 3/4terl – Gemeinsam im Takt

The project deals with the topic of neighborhood, and because of the location of the development area particularly with the neighborhood between school and inhabitants.

FELDen am Badeteich

The central goal is to be prepared for what cannot be defined yet from the sphere of non-housing uses! Space for temporary use is made available to businesses, artists and cultural workers and/or children and youth groups.

GrätzlGenossenschaft Hirschstetten-Berresgasse

The GrätzlGenossenschaft is a socially oriented, commercial service company which is operated jointly and self-administered by its members.


Urbanity is created by a variety of facilities that can be used in a communal way. They can be co-designed in participatory processes right from the beginning.


The Parkblick project is characterized by spacious apartment floor plans.


Cost-effective housing and living is not just a question of cost-effective construction, but of saving household expenses, sharing resources and community-oriented living.


The project provides a differentiated, socially balanced housing offer for people of different ages and stages of life on all building sites.

Trio Inklusiv

The project focuses on the inclusion of the neighboring school campus.

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Cooperation Partners

3 1
wohnfonds_wien - fonds für wohnbau und stadterneuerung

Lenaugasse 10
1080 Wien

Open Website

nonconform ZT GmbH

Lederergasse 23/8/EG
1080 Wien

Open Website

GB*Stadtteilmanagement Berresgasse

Ziegelhofstraße 36/12/7R
1220 Wien

Open Website